Antonio Vallisneri

Scritti editi ne «La Galleria di Minerva» I, 1696; II, 1697; III, 1700

A cura di Stefano Spataro. Introduzione di Cristina Dessì e Stefano Spataro. Note biologiche di Francesco Andrietti e Andrea Castellani

2023, cm 17 x 24, lxxxviii-494 pp.

ISBN: 9788822268150

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€ 70,00 € 66,50
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This volume collects the edition of the texts published by Vallisneri in the first three issues of "La Galleria di Minerva" and appears to be fundamental both because of the relevance of the edited texts and because it represents the start of the important editorial series that would collect his contributions intended for scholarly periodicals. Dialoghi are the most important Vallisnerian work housed in "La Galleria di Minerva", but several of his other minor writings were also published in the first three issues of the periodical, which are part of his strategy of disseminating the principles of experimental science and critiquing biological Aristotelianism and the related theory of spontaneous generation.

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