Appunti di un gesuita scienziato
I diari di viaggio di Angelo Secchi SJ (1860-1875)

A cura di Ileana Chinnici

2022, cm 17 x 24, xxii-152 pp.con 40 disegni e 15 figg. n.t.

ISBN: 9788822267665

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€ 25,00 € 23,75
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Extraordinarily modern for his time, the Jesuit scientist Angelo Secchi (1818-1878) can be fully appreciated through the interesting journals of his scientific journeys. From scientific expeditions, exhibitions and international congresses, Secchi traveled to Spain, France, England and Italy (in the years leading to its political unification) in a European context marked by political instability, great inventions and the affirmation of international scientific cooperation. This valuable source of first-hand historical information is also a pleasant read, often enriched by amusing annotations.

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