Umberto Bellintani - Alessandro Parronchi

Al vento della vita
Carteggio (1947-1992)

A cura di Caterina Guagni. Introduzione di Marino Biondi. Trascrizioni a cura di Enio Bruschi

2011, cm 17 x 24, lviii-570 pp. con 8 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822259820

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€ 68,00 € 64,60
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A deep, extensive correspondence of other times, spanning forty-five years, defines the profiles of two poets: Bellintani – trapped in an anxious and weary time yet vibrant like «a string that plays to the wind of life» – and Parronchi, man of letters with a tireless, sensible, generous maieutic role. The result is a dialogue between two coeval artists, different but kindred spirits, an exemplary model of affection in the literary society.

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