Incolti, fiumi, paludi
Utilizzazione delle risorse naturali nella Toscana medievale e moderna

A cura di A. Malvolti e G. Pinto

2003, cm 17 x 24, vi-304 pp. con 10 figg. n.t. di cui 2 a colori.

ISBN: 9788822251992

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€ 39,00 € 37,05
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A collection of essays studying methods of exploitation of inland waters and uncultivated areas in medieval and modern Tuscany. Besides attempts at land reclamation made at that time activities connected with hunting, fishing, gathering of natural produce as well as river and lake navigation were also investigated. Furthermore the authors examine different regional situations such as «Valdarno», «Val di Nievole», the Sienese countryside, «Val di Chiana» and Pisan coastal area.

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