Diretti da Marco Cursi, Carlo Delcorno, Maurizio Fiorilla, Giovanna Frosini, Marco Petoletti

1965, cm 17 x 24

ISBN: id-6748

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"Studi sul Boccaccio", the scholarly review founded by Vittore Branca, has represented since the first issue of 1963, an invaluable reference and an essential tool to appreciate the work of Giovanni Boccaccio and narrative production in general between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance through essays and studies by the most accredited international philologists and critics. The review has contributed significantly to research on these topics with rigorous studies that have embraced over time new and innovative methodologies, bringing to light again and again different versions through an accurate and constant investigation of the manuscript works. Great emphasis has been placed on the integration of both verbal and figurative expressions, starting with the illustrations penned by Boccaccio himself for his Decameron, and continuing with Botticelli, Rubens, and Chagall. Special attention has been devoted to the extraordinary success of Boccaccio’s work in its various aspects throughout the centuries in the most diverse languages, reinterpreted not only in literature, but also in figurative, theatrical, musical, and cinematic forms.

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