Natura e artificio nell'Europa del Seicento e Settecento
Artisti, conoscitori e scienziati tra osservazione, invenzione e diffusione del sapere

A cura di Michela di Macco

2023, cm 17 x 24, xii-254 pp. con 51 figg. bn n.t.

ISBN: 9788822268778

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€ 35,00 € 33,25
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At the turn of the eighteenth century, the relationship between Nature and Artifice became central to the debate that animated scientists, artists, academics, connoisseurs, amateurs and collectors. From Rome to Paris, from Turin to Great Britain and elsewhere, the authors of the essays collected in this book share new research on the topical issues of those times: the concept of beauty at the Roman Academy of Arcadians, the pictorial decoration of an idealized landscape, graphics collections on natural subjects, the debunking of natural myths, the integration of nature and culture in urban form, the polysemous richness of ornament, the popularizing strategies put in place to disseminate knowledge and to meet the tastes of an increasingly diverse public.

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