Patrizia Grimaldi Pizzorno

Dopo la peste
Desiderio e Ragione nella Decima Giornata del Decameron

2021, cm 17 x 24, 126 pp. con 1 fig. n.t.

ISBN: 9788822268136

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The moral focus of the last ten novelle of the Decameron is not on the virtue of magnificence, the “theme” of the day, but on the intellectual virtue of practical wisdom, the knowledge tied to reason and thought that considers the consequences of action within the community, evaluates the means and determines how concretely virtues should be effected in social life in order to flourish. The Tenth Day, grounded in the tradition of Classical and Maedieval rationalism, projects a virtue ethics that stresses acting, that is, doing the right thing in the right way with the right disposition of mind at the right time. Against the backdrop of the Black Plague Boccaccio represents the progressive actualization of moral excellence from the moral and psychological conflict of the protagonists, their disposition towards passions, the resolution of crisis with the intervention of right reason that rules desire and dictates the right choice in everyday life, to the final moral recognition.

Mercoledì 20 aprile 2022 ore 16.30
Accademia La Colombaria

Presentazione del volume a cura di Francesca Grimaldi Pizzorno
Intervengono con l’autrice Sergio Givone e Maria Pia Ellero

Patrizia Grimaldi Pizzorno
Patrizia Grimaldi Pizzorno, Ph.D. in Comparative Literature alla Harvard University, Fullbright student alla Michigan University at Ann Arbor e laureata all’Università di Roma «La Sapienza», ha pubblicato numerosi saggi in riviste italiane e straniere e i volumi Metaphor at play: Chaucer’s Poetics of Exemplarity, Edizioni dell’Orso, Torino, 1998 e Il Moro di Eliseo Heivodo, Olschki, Firenze, 2003. Ha in corso ricerche su «Science and Discovery at the Elizabethan Inns of Court» (un’analisi sulla prima ricezione delle teorie scientifiche su magnetismo ed elettricità di William Gilbert of Colchester) e «Viaggio attraverso il velo, dal Burqa a Ferragamo» (Un progetto sul velo Islamico / antropologia/ modalita’/ controversie nei paesi Mussulmani e non-Mussulmani).

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