Luigi Arcuti

Insieme si cresce
Scritti di banca e finanza, 1950-1998

A cura di Francesco Cesarini, Alfonso Iozzo e Francesca Pino

2021, cm 17 x 24, xiv-190 pp. con 3 figg. bn n.t. e 25 tavv. a colori f.t.

ISBN: 9788822267795

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€ 35,00 € 33,25
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The book explores the personality, views and strategies of Luigi Arcuti (1924-2013), an authoritative protagonist of half a century of banking history and the head of two public institutions which merged into Sanpaolo IMI in 1998. The collection of mostly unpublished writings - letters to other leading bankers, interviews, speeches, internal reports – reveals the great push he gave to the modernization of the economy and the universal bank model: two effective ways to bring savings and investments closer together and increase the competitiveness of the financial system.

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