Studi pucciniani. Vol. 6
Rassegna periodica sulla musica e sul teatro musicale nell'epoca di Giacomo Puccini

A cura di Michele Girardi

2020, cm 17 x 24, 202 pp. con 8 figg., 7 es. mus. e 8 tavv. f.t. a colori

ISBN: 9788822267252

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€ 35,00 € 33,25
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"Studi pucciniani 6" is a collection of essays from young and senior scholars that underscores the interdisciplinary nature of art between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The analyses of some of Puccini’s works (Tosca, Il tabarro, Gianni Schicchi) and much more by music historians (Federico Fornoni, Kunio Hara, Francesco Fontanelli), an art historian (Daniele Galleni), a historian (Gerardo Tocchini) and a journalist and writer (Mauro Balestrazzi) reveal an intellectual figure in step with his time in an era of radical changes.

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