Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini
Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. Parte II: Frammenti Adespoti e sentenze, vol. 1*: Frammenti Adespoti

(Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere «La Colombaria» ~ Union Académique Internationale ~ Unione Accademica Nazionale)

2019, cm 17 x 24, xxx-268 pp. con 24 tavv. f.t. bn.

ISBN: 9788822266897

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€ 69,00 € 65,55
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The volume contains part of the anonymous philosophical fragments that make up one of the most interesting sections of the CPF. Spanning from the third to the sixth century after Christ, the texts contain references to several schools of philosophy, from the Socratic to the Stoic and the Epicurean, from Middle Platonism to Christian Neoplatonism. Some of the commented editions present little known texts or new interpretations, along with their photographic reproductions.

Corpus of Greek and Latin Philosophical Papyri. Texts and Lexicon

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