Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini
Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. Parte IV, 2. Tavole (II.2 e II.3)

(Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere «La Colombaria» ~ Union Académique Internationale ~ Unione Accademica Nazionale)

2018, cm 24 x 34, XXXIV-82 pp. con 127 ill. e 3 pieghevoli

ISBN: 9788822265708

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€ 322,00 € 305,90
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To conclude Parts II.2 and II.3 of the Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici Greci e Latini (vol. II.2: Sentenze di autori noti e chreiai [2015]; II.3: Gnomica [2017]) we are now publishing the corresponding volume of tables of papyri published therein. This constitutes a noteworthy palaeographic specimen with part of the text that offers the reader an array of useful data, from indices to where they are preserved and the chronological distribution of the artefacts.

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