Girolamo Cardano


A cura di Marialuisa Baldi, Guido Canziani, Eugenio Di Rienzo. Testo latino e apparato filologico a cura di Cecilia Mussini e Angelo de Patto

2014, cm 17 x 24, vi-236 pp. con 3 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822263315

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Two friends are the protagonists of this unpublished dialogue by Girolamo Cardano: Hyeronimus and Lucilius, who is imprisoned in jail. The two characters reflect the real personalities of Cardano and Lucillo Filalteo, who was his colleague in the University of Pavia. The dialogue, composed during his prosecution by the Inquisition, summarises Cardano’s moral philosophy, transforming the prison in a metaphor of human condition, and showing the scholar’s clear disillusionment.

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