Maurizio Burlamacchi

Nobility, honour and glory
A brief military history of the Order of Malta

Translated from the Italian by Mark Roberts

2013, cm 17 x 24, x-76 pp. con 13 tavv. f.t. di cui 9 a colori.

ISBN: 9788822262479

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The Sovereign Military Order of Malta originated in Jerusalem in the Eleventh century from the work of Fra Gerardo Sasso, who laid the foundation of what would become the modern congregation. The book tells the history of the Order up to the present day, through a complex succession of relocations and conflicts that did not weaken its original spirit, still alive in the activity of knights and ladies around the world.

Maurizio Burlamacchi
Maurizio Burlamacchi è nato nel 1930 da una antica famiglia lucchese. Bibliofilo e collezionista è un esperto di incunaboli e altri libri antichi. Ha pubblicato un libro sulle antiche terme lucchesi e tenuto conferenze su argomenti storici. Nel 2006 è stato accolto nell’Ordine di Malta quale Cavaliere di Onore e Devozione.
Maurizio Burlamacchi was born in 1930 from an ancient family of Lucca. As a bibliophile and collector he is an expert on early printed editions. He has published a book on the spas of Lucca, and has given lectures on historical subjects. In 2006 he was accepted into the Order of Malta as a Knight of Honour and Devotion. - (maggio 2013) -

Mark Roberts
Mark Roberts è nato in Inghilterra nel 1952 ed ha frequentato le scuole ad Ampleforth e l’Università di Oxford dove ha conseguito la Laurea in lingua e letteratura inglese. Vive in Italia dal 1977, dove lavora all’Istituto Britannico di Firenze.
Mark Roberts was born in Lancashire in 1952 and was educated at Ampleforth and at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he took an MA in English Language and Literature. He has lived in Italy since 1977, when he joined the staff of the British Institute of Florence: in 2004 he was made MBE for his co-ordination of the Institute’s cultural programme. - (maggio 2013) -

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