La Toscana nella costruzione dello stato nazionale
dallo Statuto toscano alla Costituzione della Repubblica (1848-1948)

Atti del Convegno di studi (30 maggio-1 giugno 2011)
A cura di Massimo Cervelli e Claudia Devenuto

2013, cm 15 x 21, viii-338 pp. con 12 figg. n.t. e 1 pieghevole.

ISBN: 9788822262455

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€ 40,00 € 38,00
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During the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, Tuscany Region focused on the role played by Tuscany in the construction of a united state and the complex passages that led Italian society to conquer democracy through the attainment of the republican Constitution. This book offers a comprehensive critical survey on the special characters and richness of Tuscan contributions to the process of definition of a national identity.

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