Andrea Yaakov Lattes

Vita ebraica a Lugo
nei verbali delle sedute consigliari degli anni 1621-1630

Con un'Appendice di Mauro Perani

2013, cm 17 x 24, 216 pp. con 19 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822262202

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€ 23,00 € 21,85
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The life and thoughts of a Jewish Community of the Seventeenth century, that of Lugo (RA), as depicted by the Minutes of the meetings of the Board for the years 1621-1630, the oldest of the series, kept at the British Library, and here offered in the original form and in Italian translation. In the Appendix, the edition of a Hebrew poem that commemorates an episode happened in 1829 to Mosé Sinigaglia, a member of the Jewish Community of Lugo.

Andrea Yaakov Lattes
Andrea Yaakov Lattes, fondatore e Presidente dell’Associazione israeliana per lo Studio della Storia degli Ebrei in Italia (ASSEI), si occupa dell’ebraismo italiano. Le sue ricerche sono focalizzate sulla storia sociale, economica e religiosa e delle istituzioni delle comunità italiane, in particolare nell’Età Moderna, alla luce di quanto emerge dallo studio delle fonti da esse stesse prodotte.
Andrea Yaakov Lattes, founder and president of the Israeli Association for the Study of the Jews in Italy (ASSEI) works on Italian Judaism. His research is focused on the social, economic and religious history and institutions of the Italian Jewish communities, particularly in the Modern Times, in the light of what emerges from the study of the sources that themselves produced. - (settembre 2013) -

Mauro Perani
Mauro Perani, PhD honoris causa - Hebrew University di Gerusalemme, è Ordinario di Ebraico presso l’Università di Bologna. Già Presidente (2006-2010) della European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) e attuale Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo (AISG), dedica le sue poliedriche ricerche fra l’altro ai manoscritti ebraici, alla storia della cultura ebraica e agli epitaffi dei cimiteri ebraici italiani.
Mauro Perani, PhD honoris causa of The Hebrew University, is Professor of Hebrew at the University of Bologna. Former President (2006-2010) of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) and current President of the Italian Association for the Study of Judaism (AISG), his multifaceted research deals with Hebrew manuscripts, history of Jewish culture and the epitaphs of the Italian Jewish cemeteries. - (settembre 2013) -

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