Sotto il cielo delle scritture
Bibbia, retorica e letteratura religiosa (secc. XIII-XVI)
Atti del Colloquio organizzato dal Dipartimento di Italianistica dell'Università di Bologna (Bologna, 16-17 novembre 2007)
A cura di Carlo Delcorno e Giovanni Baffetti
2009, cm 17 x 24, xiv-252 pp.
ISBN: 9788822258656
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Preachers and exegetes have often used the image of «firmamentum sacrae Scripturae» to present the Bible as supreme guide and judge of every human reasoning. This metaphor refers to the authority and polysemous richness of the Bible and is the perspective from which the essays gathered here examine the relationships between the holy text and many different literary forms and genres, from Dante’s Comedy to the lauda, from preaching to Tasso’s epics and Vittoria Colonna’s lyrical poems.