Pietro Ioly Zorattini

I nomi degli altri
Conversioni a Venezia e nel Friuli Veneto in età moderna

Con prefazione di Marcello Massenzio

2008, cm 17 x 24, xx-388 pp. con 4 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822257826

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€ 48,00 € 45,60
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A valuable survey of the phenomenon of conversions to Catholicism in Venice and in Friuli between the 16th and 18th century and the acquisition of the neophytes‚ new identity that did not necessarily bring about a new social status. The relationships between the neophytes’ original milieu and their new one in the Venetian society were examined using extensive archival documentation from the Pia Casa dei Catecumeni in Venice and other coeval sources, thus rescuing from oblivion the activities of obscure individuals.

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