Francesca Piselli

‘Giansenisti’, ebrei e ‘giacobini’ a Siena
dall’Accademia ecclesiastica all’Impero napoleonico (1780-1814)

Con un’appendice di documenti inediti

2007, cm 17 x 24, xiv-222 pp.

ISBN: 9788822257116

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€ 28,00 € 26,60
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An extensive study based on previously unpublished documentation offers a new perspective on topics such as the Siena reform movement inspired by Bishop de’ Ricci and led by Fabio de Vecchi; the local Jewish community examined from the socio-economic standpoint and considering the post-emancipation reactions; the patriotic movement of Siena, after the finding of a «Nota dei Giacobini, Discoli, Irreligiosi della Città e Diocesi di Siena» was found, which was the only one known today that was not burnt in 1799.

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