Papiri filosofici
Miscellanea di studi V
(Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere «La Colombaria» ~ Union Académique Internationale ~ Unione Accademica Nazionale)
2007, cm 17 x 24, viii-240 pp. con 8 figg. n.t.
ISBN: 9788822256300
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A collection of 11 essays divided into three sections: Studies on papyri of Isocrates, Studies on gnomic texts and Various Studies. The first two sections deal with topics studied extensively during the preparation of the corresponding volumes of the Corpus of Philosophical Papyri. The topics involved range from a historical-religious text of the Ptolemaic period, to further examination of a papyrus on logic, to an unpublished recension of the Comparatio Menandri et Philistionis.