Giardini, contesto, paesaggio
Sistemi di giardini e architetture vegetali nel paesaggio. Metodi di studio, valutazione, tutela
2005, cm 17 x 24, 2 tomi di xiv-842 pp. con 189 figg. n.t. e 20 tavv. f.t. a colori. Riassunti in italiano e inglese (Abstracts in English).
ISBN: 9788822254832
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Taken as a whole, the papers presented at this conference, arranged in three sections and including forty-odd Italian and European case studies, constitute a survey of the policies adopted by various European nations for taking a census of their landscape sites, assessing their importance and defining issues concerning preservation, enhancement and innovative methods of restoration. Green architectures are analyzed in their territorial, functional, visual and symbolic context.