Sapere & narrare
Figure della follia

Ciclo di conferenze (settembre - dicembre 2003)
A cura di M. Bresciani Califano

2005, cm 17 x 24, xx-178 pp. con 10 tavv. f.t. di cui 4 a colori.

ISBN: 9788822254474

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€ 23,00 € 21,85
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From the twin concept degeneration/madness to the novel as an infinitely open world. From comical madness to tragic madness in Shakespeare, to the dream-madness as second life in Nerval’s Aurelia. Madness on the stage as metaphor of mental processes. The Futurists’ interest in the theories of madness and reflections on the relationship between psychiatry, art and creativity. Finally, «mothers who kill their children» in historical context, and madness in the political and social world of Stalinist Russia.

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