Leonardo e Pico
Analogie, contatti confronti

Atti del Convegno di Mirandola (10 maggio 2003)
A cura di F. Frosini
Studi pichiani, vol. 9

2005, cm 17 x 24, xvi-222 pp. con 6 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822254382

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Despite the major differences between the cultural physiognomies of Leonardo da Vinci and Giovanni Pico, i. e. those to be expected between an artist/scientist «without letters» and a refined philosopher-commentator of Latin, Greek and Hebrew texts, a number of analogies and points of contact can be documented, sufficient to allow a comparison based not on extrinsic factors, but on the ways in which the appearance of these two intellectuals shaped the cultural scene of Italy and Europe.

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