Giambattista Venturi, scienziato, ingegnere, intellettuale,
fra Età dei Lumi e classicismo
2005, cm 17 x 24, xvi-294 pp. con 9 figg. n.t. e 1 tav. f.t. a colori.
ISBN: 9788822254122
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Giambattista Venturi of Reggio Emilia (1746-1822), scientist and polymath, student of Leonardo da Vinci and Galilei, was one of the first historians of science in the modern sense, adopting the experimental method both in his research and in his university lectures on Physics. This volume examines some of his contributions to science, without neglecting his interests in history and literature, his passion for collecting and his involvement in the political and diplomatic events of the Napoleonic age.