Fabio Finotti

Retorica della diffrazione
Bembo, Aretino, Giulio Romano e Tasso: letteratura e scena cortigiana

2004, cm 17 x 24, 466 pp. con 8 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822253842

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€ 58,00 € 55,10
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Court society and the circulation of printed matter give rise to a scene where literature competes with the audience entwining custom and variation, decorum and liberty. The rhetoric of diffraction, typical of 16th century classicism, is already popular with Bembo from «De Aetna» and the first «Asolani», reaching maturity with Cortegiano, promoting the success of satirical themes in Renaissance imagining, in a dialogue between poetry and theatre, spirituality and visual arts.

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