Sabba da Castiglione (1480-1554)
Dalle corti rinascimentali alla Commenda di Faenza

Atti del Convegno (Faenza, 19-20 maggio 2000)
A cura di A. R. Gentilini

2004, cm 17 x 24, x-496 pp. con 16 figg. n.t. e 54 tavv. f.t. di cui 6 a col.

ISBN: 9788822252906

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€ 61,00 € 57,95
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This versatile religious figure, fervid defender of Catholic orthodoxy in confrontation with the Lutheran Reform, had a great many humanistic and antiquarian interests. More than just a lover of arts Fra Sabba was also a keen collector and bibliophile responsible for the restoration and extension of Faenza’s Commenda. He is best known for his Ricordi, a compilation of teachings, rules and precepts addressed to Christian gentlemen of his time which went through twenty-five editions from 1546 to 1613.

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