Antonio Conti

Lettere da Venezia a Madame la Comtesse de Caylus (1727-1729)
Con l’aggiunta di un «Discorso sullo Stato della Francia»

A cura di Sylvie Mamy

2003, cm 17 x 24, vi-276 pp.

ISBN: 9788822251923

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€ 35,00 € 33,25
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This publication contains Antonio Conti’s complete autograph copies of his letters from Venice to the countess of Caylus. It also includes a Discourse on the State of France written by Conti in the year of his return to Italy. The letters were emended by the countess’ son with a view to publication, but were never printed. Conti’s letters and writings represent a corpus of original information and observations on the arts and sciences – in particular, music – in Venice and Europe at the end of the 1720s.

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