Ruggero Del Silenzio

Bibliografia delle opere dei musicisti bresciani pubblicate a stampa
nei secoli XVI e XVII. Opere in antologie

2002, cm 17 x 24, 3 tomi di xviii-1574 pp. con 178 ill. n.t.

ISBN: 9788822251404

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€ 185,00 € 175,75
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The diplomatic transcription of 277 anthologies published in Italy and abroad during the 16th and 17th centuries, brings to light the artistic fortune of Brescian musicians in the ambit of musical fruition - witness the presence of composers in that period - that marked the transition from ancient times and the first «prattica» to modern vocal and instrumental production. Once the ancient musical style for unaccompanied voices was exhausted the oratorio, melodramatic and operatic arrangements predominated in Italy.

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