Raffaele Gianesini

Lettere, Ordini e Mandati della Biblioteca Civica Vincenzo Joppi
Letture pubbliche integrative o confermative di norme. Ducali abrogative di Lettere. Capitoli, regole, Ordini riformati e Ristretto di ordini. Il Mandato per ‘intimatione’

Presentazione di P. Dorsi

2005, cm 17 x 24, 186 pp. con 35 ill. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822255105

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€ 29,00 € 27,55
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A close study of Venetian administrative practices describing types of documents issued by Venetian magistrates such as public letters of confirmation, letters of approval addressed to the government of Udine, requests addressed to the governors in charge of territories on the mainland, rulings covering specific events and actions, warrants concerning individuals, ducal confirmations or abrogations of certain laws, promulgation of new regulations and cancellation of others, orders modifying executive decisions, etc.

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