Il tragico e il sacro dal Cinquecento a Racine

Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Torino e Vercelli (14-16 ottobre 1999)
A cura di D. Cecchetti e D. Dalla Valle

2001, cm 17 x 24, x-330 pp.

ISBN: 9788822250537

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€ 45,00 € 42,75
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With research on Racine greatly intensified on the occasion of the third centenary of his death (1699-1999), this volume fits into the renewed interest for studies concerning the interrelation between religious-theological and biblical spheres and literary ones. What emerges is a discussion on the relationship between tragedy and sacred, a relationship starting from the Renaissance archetypes of the 'tragédie sainte' following through Baroque to the Racine epoch.

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