Franco Piperno

L’immagine del duca
Musica e spettacolo alla corte di Guidubaldo II duca d’Urbino

2001, cm 17 x 24, x-352 pp. con 11 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822250001

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The musical and the theatrical patronage of Guidubaldo II Della Rovere (1514-1574) Duke of Urbino was strictly connected with the political biography of the Duke himself and this study aims to put into evidence the Duke’s strategy in using that patronage to reach precise diplomatic goals. Thanks to many documentary findings, new light on the musical activities of Guidubaldo’s court is provided as well as a new chronology of theatre productions of that court and an interpretation of musical editions (works by Dominique Phinot, Costanzo Porta and Paolo Animuccia) promoted and supported by the Duke.

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