Enrica Benini Clementi

Riforma religiosa e poesia popolare a Venezia nel Cinquecento
Alessandro Caravia

2000, cm 18 x 25,5, x-318 pp. con 6 figg. n.t.

ISBN: 9788822248367

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€ 51,00 € 48,45
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The first comprehensive work on the eccentric jeweller and popular poet Alessandro Caravia, an outstanding figure of the reformer movement in 16th century Venice. Besides the biography, is a diffused analysis of the three famous poems «Il Sogno», «La Verra» and «Il Naspo Bizaro» inserted in the history of custom and daily Venetian life. Numerous documents conclude the volume amongst which are the integral transcription of the trial that Caravia underwent thanks to the Inquisition.

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