Papiri filosofici
Miscellanea di studi II

1998, cm 17 x 24, 184 pp.

ISBN: 9788822246776

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€ 41,00 € 38,95
  • About this book

These five studies cover a chronological span from 400/500 B.C. to the end of 500 A.D. Bringing into focus the personality and cultural environment of Horapollon it is suggested: the re-edition of a text on the uncertainties of Plotinus concerning the nature of the heavens, the stars and the mind; a papyrus bearing the critical signs used in Plato's edition and that can establish the source of Diogene Laerzio; evidence on Pythagoras that reflects the interest for double meanings in the anecdotes on philosophers used in scholastic environments.

Corpus of Greek and Latin Philosophical Papyri. Texts and Lexicon

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