Giovan Pietro Vieusseux

Journal-itinéraire de mon voyage en Europe (1814-1817)
Con il carteggio relativo al viaggio

A cura di L. Tonini

1998, cm 17 x 24, l-374 pp. con 13 figg. n.t., 8 tavv. f.t. e 2 pieghevoli a colori.

ISBN: 9788822245830

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€ 54,00 € 51,30
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The diary of G.P. Vieusseux's journey across Europe and Russia as far as Constantinople, a few years prior to the foundation in Florence in 1819 of the Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario, offers an extraordinarily interesting picture of European civilization at the beginning of the 19th century. The private correspondence and commercial letters that accompany it enrich the vivacious observations in the diary making it a precious document regarding Vieusseux’s formation.

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