Rivista diretta da Carlo Ossola e Carlo Delcorno

1949, cm 17 x 24.

ISBN: id-4255

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  • About this book
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Of international prestige, this is the most authoritative journal of Italian literature that successfully conciliates philological and exegetic severity and attention to what is new and, in its life, has given hospitality to some of the most important voices of various international traditions on the studies of Italian civilisation, probing into debates of method and including Italian letters in the tradition of romance and comparative studies. A rich and timely contribution to critical-bibliographical information. The journal is supported by two series «Biblioteca di Lettere Italiane» and «Saggi di Lettere Italiane».

Carlo Ossola
Insegna al Collège de France, cattedra di «Letterature moderne dell’Europa neolatina». Presso Olschki ha pubblicato l’Autunno del Rinascimento, 1971 e 2014; l'edizione dell'inedito di Carlo Denina, Dell'impiego delle persone, 2020, e delle rare Storie bibliche di Johann Peter Hebel, 2020. - (maggio 2020) -

Carlo Delcorno

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