Il Fondo Amelia Rosselli dell'Università della Tuscia
Saggi e Apparati catalografici

A cura di Paolo Marini, Maria Giovanna Pontesilli, Laura Tavoloni

2024, cm 17 x 24, xxiv-548 pp. con 16 tavv. f.t. a colori

ISBN: 9788822269331

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€ 65,00 € 61,75
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This volume contains an updated catalogue of the bibliographic and documentary materials that made up Amelia Rosselli’s library. The library, donated to the Università della Tuscia in 1996, represents an essential reference to understand one of the highest and most distinct poetic voices of the twentieth century. The catalogue is accompanied by miscellaneous studies that cut across the library collection and reflect Rosselli’s relations with authors and issues related to the ancient and modern tradition, ranging from the literary to the linguistic, philosophical, scientific, historical, musical and artistic fields.

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