Comunicare McLuhan
La Galassia Gutenberg tra sociologia, lingua e retorica

A cura di Francesco Berardi, Andrea Lombardinilo e Pierluigi Ortolano

2023, cm 17 x 24, xii-226 pp. con 11 ill. in b/n n.t.

ISBN: 9788822268976

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€ 35,00 € 33,25
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A present-day reading of The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962), an undisputed milestone in media and communication science, is an exploration of the thought of Marshall McLuhan and the dazzling complexity of his research, especially with regard to technological determinism. His seminal work can be discovered anew in light of the communication frontiers of our time, through a diachronic and interdisciplinary approach that unfolds along two lines of research: mediologic and rhetorical-linguistic.

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