"Ex libris... ne pereant"
Cultura libraria e archivistica tra Umanesimo e Rinascimento

Miscellanea di studi offerti a Paolo Tiezzi Mazzoni della Stella Maestri in occasione del suo 70° genetliaco
A cura di Manlio Sodi e Mario Ascheri

2023, cm 17 x 24, xviii-422 pp. con 72 figg. n.t.

ISBN: 9788822268914

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€ 55,00 € 52,25
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The title of the miscellany "Ex libris... ne pereant" – a collection inspired by the love for ancient books - constitutes not only the key to approach the numerous contributions, but also an invitation to honor the commitment to acknowledge the value of written communication. A question animates this journey through the forms and events that see the book as a protagonist: in the current age of “digital humanism”, can paper volumes set in motion a new cultural “renaissance”? The quest for the answer takes the reader on an exploration of archives and libraries, the mechanisms of printing machines, and ideal dialogues with writers and manuscripts.

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