Andreas Metzner-Szigeth

Approaches in Studying the Entanglement of Ecology and Society

2023, cm 17 x 24, xii-228 pp. con 34 figg. bn n.t.

ISBN: 9788822268853

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Attraverso un’analisi delle caratteristiche di interrelazione e delle dinamiche integrate delle crisi del mondo moderno, il presente volume si sofferma sulla loro percezione e sulla risposta suscitata nella società: secondo l’autore, non si può prescindere dalla varietà dei meccanismi che strutturano il modo in cui esse vengono differentemente inquadrate ed elaborate nei discorsi, nelle istituzioni e nei sistemi di comunicazione. In tal senso, questa raccolta di contributi mira a mobilitare la pratica scientifica in chiave di gruppo, individuando le strategie di trasformazione in una prospettiva interdisciplinare.

Andreas Metzner-Szigeth
Andreas Metzner-Szigeth teaches sociology of culture and communication at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. He studied social sciences, biology and philosophy and received his PhD in 1991 with a thesis on social-ecological systems theory. In 2000 he obtained his habilitation with a project on interdisciplinary risk research and communication. Beside the achievements in his extensive academic career he has acquired proficiency in consulting activities and evaluation procedures as an entrepreneur and executive manager. Andreas held several Professorships and positions as Senior Researcher in various academic institutions, European research networks and international projects. He is particularly interested in issues that affect the interplay between science, economy, politics and the public.
- (febbraio 2023) -

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