Alessandro Bonsanti - Carlo Emilio Gadda

«Sono il pero e la zucca di me stesso»
Carteggio 1930-1970

A cura di Roberta Colbertaldo. Premessa di Gloria Manghetti, con una testimonianza di Sandra Bonsanti

2020, cm 17 x 24, xlvi-344 pp. con 24 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822267191

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€ 35,00 € 33,25
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The book, edited by Roberta Colbertaldo and published by Olschki in the Gabinetto Vieusseux - Studi series, brings together more than 300 letters from the correspondence between Alessandro Bonsanti and Carlo Emilio Gadda from 1930 to the end of the 1960s. It was one of the most significant intellectual exchanges of the twentieth century in Italy, illustrated in this book by a wealth of biographical details and information about their mutual literary enterprises, in particular the genesis of the two masterpieces Quer Pasticciaccio and La Cognizione del dolore.

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