Per domani ancora
Vie di uscita dal confino
2020, cm 12 x 17, 80 pp. con 3 figg. a col. n.t.
ISBN: 9788822267139
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“We build our temples for tomorrow […] free within ourselves”: Langston Hughes’s words remained fixed in our memory while the inaction of those months erased the sense of acting in space, of counting time. When the chain of events is gone, all we are left with is what does not require the present to exist. There may be new restrictions; we may have to return inside. “If outside there is the past, perhaps the future is concentrated at the innermost point of the island of If, in other words the avenue of escape is an avenue toward the inside.” (Italo Calvino, The Count of Monte Cristo, 6).
Carlo Ossola
Insegna al Collège de France, cattedra di «Letterature moderne dell’Europa neolatina». Presso Olschki ha pubblicato l’Autunno del Rinascimento, 1971 e 2014; l'edizione dell'inedito di Carlo Denina, Dell'impiego delle persone, 2020, e delle rare Storie bibliche di Johann Peter Hebel, 2020. - (maggio 2020) -