Un trésor de textes
Images, présences et métaphores du trésor dans la langue et la littérature françaises

Études réunies par Anna Bettoni et Marika Piva

2020, cm 17 x 24, viii-288 pp. con 11 figg. b/n n.t. e 4 tavv. a colori f.t.

ISBN: 9788822266798

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€ 44,00 € 41,80
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This collection of essays aims to provide an overview of the complexity and the ambivalence of the term and the concept of Treasure in the French language and in French literature, from the Middle Ages to this day. >From the relation between material and immaterial, to the use and the reinterpretation of tradition’s symbolic and textual heritage, through thesauruses and corpora, the volume outlines practices aimed to collect, reinterpret and transmit knowledge.

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