Digital texts, translations, lexicons in a multi-modular web application: methods and samples

A cura di Andrea Bozzi

2015, cm 17 x 24, x-146 pp. con 35 figg. n.t. a colori.

ISBN: 9788822263933

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€ 32,00 € 30,40
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The volume follows up on the themes of the seminar held in Pisa in 2014 as part of an ERC project. It introduces a software (G2A Web App) developed by the CNR-ILC, in the frame of an infrastructural dimension that facilitates online scientific collaboration. The papers then illustrate scientific experiences that blend philology, computational linguistics and computer technology, thus paving the way to new research prospects for the Digital Humanities, and, in particular, for the Digital Textual Scholarship.

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