Codice Rustici
Dimostrazione dell'andata o viaggio al Santo Sepolcro e al monte Sinai di Marco di Bartolomeo Rustici

Facsimile e saggi
Saggi a cura di Elena Gurrieri. Edizione critica a cura di Kathleen Olive e Nerida Newbigin

2015, cm 32 x 47, Tomo I: 568 pp.; Tomo II: x-310 pp. con 200 ill. n.t. Rilegati in cofanetto.

ISBN: 9788822263704

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€ 2.200,00 € 2.090,00
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The Rustici Codex tells the story of the existential travel of the Florentine goldsmith Marco di Bartolomeo Rustici in 1441. The route from Florence to Jerusalem, and then back to Florence, is described through an extraordinary mix of text and images. From Florence to Florence, on the way to Jerusalem. The final destination is God, through a travel to the place that Marco di Bartolomeo Rustici considers a real city of God: Florence.

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Elena Gurrieri
Elena Gurrieri è nata ad Arezzo e vive a Firenze dove è responsabile della Biblioteca del Seminario Arcivescovile Maggiore dal 1997. Ha coordinato l’intero progetto di edizione in fac-simile con apparati critici del Codice Rustici (Olschki, 2015). La sua formazione deriva dall’Italianistica del Novecento, nel cui
ambito ha pubblicato, nel corso di quasi un trentennio, varie monografie e numerosi saggi critici.

Elena Gurrieri was born in Arezzo and lives in Florence, where she has been in charge of the Library of the Seminario Arcives­covile Maggiore since 1997. She coordinated the project for the creation of the facsimile of the Codex Rustici including the critical commentary (Olschki, 2015). She has a background in Twentieth Century Italian Studies, a subject on which she has published various monographs and numerous critical essays over her nearly fourty-year career.
Elena Gurrieri was born in Arezzo and lives in Florence, where she has been in charge of the Library of the Seminario Arcivescovile Maggiore since 1997. She coordinated the project for the creation of the facsimile of the Codex Rustici including the critical commentary, edited by Nerida Newbigin and Kathleen Olive and printed by Leo S. Olschki Editore in September 2015. She has a background in Twentieth Century Italian Studies. Following her graduation thesis with Prof. Lanfranco Caretti (1989) on Sandro Penna’s Poesie of 1939, she has published various monographs and numerous critical essays over her nearly thirty-year career. These include: the curation of Indici del “Mondo” 1945-1946, with foreword by Alba Andreini, Milan, Franco Angeli, 1994; L’autobus e la stella filante. Studi, testi e documenti di Letteratura italiana del Novecento, San Giovanni Rotondo (FG), Grafica Baal, 2002; Letteratura, biografia e invenzione. Penna, Montale, Loria, Magris e altri contemporanei, Florence, Polistampa, 2007; Quel che resta del sogno. Sandro Penna, dieci studi (1989-2009), Florence, Mauro Pagliai, 2010 (awarded the Fiorino d’oro at Premio Firenze 2010 edition) and Carte vive. Esercizi di critica militante (2004-2015), Florence, Mauro Pagliai, 2015.

Kathleen Olive

Nerida Newbigin

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