«Muerte e inmortalidad» de Sciacca
2014, cm 17 x 24, xii-122 pp.
ISBN: 9788822263117
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The author analyses the metaphysical anthropology of Sciacca’s «philosophy of integrality», studying in particular the context that gave rise to this work, whose first edition was published in 1959, and its main key-points. He then illustrates the motivations and the theoretical developments that guided Sciacca through the problem of personal immortality, a theme that he tackled in a very original way under the psychological, moral, and metaphysical point of view.
Hugo Marcos Ortiz
Hugo Marcos Ortiz è nato a Buenos Aires nel 1978, dove ha studiato ottenendo il dottorato in filosofia presso l’Università Cattolica Argentina. Si è quindi specializzato in Educazione presso l’Università di San Andrés. Si occupa in prevalenza di tematiche connesse ai risvolti pedagogici della filosofia.