Giulia Giannini

Verso Oriente
Gianantonio Tadini e la prima prova fisica della rotazione terrestre

2012, cm 17 x 24, xviii-164 pp. con 2 figg. n.t.

ISBN: 9788822261076

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Between 1794 and 1795 Gianantonio Tadini conducted a series of experiments in Bergamo to prove the Earth's daily rotation. Based on the observation of the deviation of falling bodies, they resumed the experiment designed and performed a few years before in Bologna by Giambattista Guglielmini. Some unpublished sources allow us now to enrich the general debate on the history of the experiment, reconstructing one of the most important and least-known reproductions of the Bologna experiment.

Giulia Giannini
Dottore di ricerca in Storia e Filosofia della Scienza, Giulia Giannini è attualmente post-doctoral researcher in storia della scienza presso il Centre Alexandre Koyré di Parigi.

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