Sanguis Domini Mantuae
Le inventiones del prezioso Sangue di Cristo nella costruzione dell'Imperium Christianum e dell'identità civica di Mantova
2009, cm 17 x 24, x-236 pp. con 7 figg. n.t. e 9 tavv. f.t. a colori.
ISBN: 9788822258533
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December 804. Pope Leo III undertakes a journey to meet Charlemagne. He stops in Mantua in order to investigate a recent and stunning event: the discovery of the relics of Christ’s blood. With this news the thousand-year-long tradition of the veneration of the Holy Blood in Mantua assumes an historically solid appearance. Beginning with this discovery, the volume carries out a rigorous historiographical research, using a new anthropological approach to analyse the intricacies associated with the precious relic in the Middle Ages.