Elisabetta Pasquini

L’«Esemplare, o sia Saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto»
Padre Martini teorico e didatta della musica

2004, cm 17 x 24, xii-350 pp. con es. mus. e 14 figg. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822253767

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€ 44,00 € 41,80
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A detailed study of this treatise, from the circumstances which led Martini to write it to its publication in print. Its structure and contents are analyzed from the perspective of counterpoint as well as musical theory. The examination of over one-hundred compositions from the 16th to the 18th centuries provides the basis for a study of the teaching methods of this Bologna theorist, and ample space is devoted to the reception of his work, to the reviews published in various literary journals, and to the polemic with Antonio Eximeno.

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