L'opera di Aldo Palazzeschi

Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Firenze, 22-24 febbraio 2001)
A cura di G. Tellini

2002, cm 17 x 24, xviii-468 pp. con 20 tavv. f.t. a colori.

ISBN: 9788822251572

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€ 61,00 € 57,95
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The complex and unpredictable career of this Florentine writer is investigated with a rich crop of new explanatory and documentary assets; from the «incendiary» works of youth to the surprising period of fervid old age, with attention towards other aspects (correspondence, theatre, cinema). Thus a pluriperspective profile is outlined of an eccentric and light, naïve and acrobatic artist, who by and by was capable of renewing his remarkable creative ability. The illustrated bibliography reproduces all the original editions.

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