Maria Elena Reina

Hoc hic et nunc
Buridano, Marsilio di Inghen e la conoscenza del singolare

2002, cm 17 x 24, x-418 pp.

ISBN: 9788822250858

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€ 52,00 € 49,40
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This volume, dedicated to one of the most crucial epistemological problems of the late Middle Ages, comprises three parts. The first takes into consideration the positions held by Duns Scotus, Aureoli, Wilton, Burley and Ockham, which provide a general sense of the issues being addressed at that time and of the recurrent difficulties barring the way to a solution. The second examines Buridan’s theories, which were widely embraced by Marsilius. The third part is devoted to the analysis of Marsilius’s own theses, and shows how the Dutch philosopher and theologian displayed a remarkable autonomy in spite of his dependency on the ideas professed by the master of the Parisian School.

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