Alfieri in Toscana

Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Firenze, 19–21 ottobre 2000)
A cura di G. Tellini e R. Turchi

2002, cm 17 x 24, 2 tomi di viii-836 pp. con 11 figg. n.t. e 14 tavv. f.t. di cui 10 a colori.

ISBN: 9788822250797

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€ 91,00 € 86,45
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Proceedings of the conference promoted by the Department of Italianistics of Florence in the ambit of exhibitions proposed by the National Committee for Vittorio Alfieri celebrations (1999-2003). Given the particular attitude of the Tuscan area and its traditions, the most important and complex aspects of the entire intellectual and artistic Alfieri experience are brought to light by Italian and foreign experts, with the support of precious material as yet unpublished comprised in an appendix.

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